Terms and Conditions 2024

Procedure for registration and payment of registration fee

  1. To participate in the KRATT 2024 Festival (hereinafter “Festival”), fill in the registration form in the “Registration” menu (required fields are marked with an asterisk) and click “Submit”. The participant will be added to the list of potential participants and to the mailing list and will receive information about the Festival (by e-mail to the participant and his/her parent). The data of the participant’s teacher will be used to provide information that the Festival organisers consider necessary for the success of the Festival.
  2. The Festival team has the right to select the participants in the orchestras through a video competition, which will be announced on the website, together with the terms and conditions of the video competition, the video uploading environment and the deadlines.
  3. To participate in the Festival, pay the participation fee by Stripe credit card payment or by bank transfer (please indicate the name of the participant in the explanation):

Details for Bank transfer:

Account name: KrattFestival OÜ

Bank: LHV Bank, Estonia


IBAN account number: EE897700771004415263

Address: AS LHV Pank, Tartu mnt 2, 10145 Tallinn, Estonia

The currency of payments is Euro.

Prices and deadlines

Participation Early bird price Full price Payment deadlines
Orchestras 90 € (until 31.03.2024) 110 € 20.05.2024
(symphony orchestra) 20.05.2023
(other orchestras)
120 € (until 31.03.2024)
140 € 30.06.2023 or
when the workshop is filled
“Class of Culture and Classics”

For pensioners, students:

5 lectures: 50 €

1 lecture: 20 €

5 lectures: 120 €

1 lecture: 30 €

at least 1 day before or
before the seats are sold out.
  1. Applications and applications to orchestras and workshops will be taken into account in the order in which the registration fee is received for them. If there are more requests to participate than places in the respective category, the subsequent registrant will remain on the waiting list. If the participation of a previously registered participant is confirmed, we will refund the registration fee. If the previously registered participant(s) cancel their participation in the Festival, the subsequent registrant shall be deemed to have registered accordingly.
  2. KrattFestival OÜ refunds the participation fee in the following procedure:

– For registrants who are unable to participate in the Festival due to illness: in full (based on doctor’s evidence or similar).

– For registrants who are unable to participate in the Festival due to seats being filled: in full

– To a registrant who declines to participate in the Festival due to other reasons: 80% of the participation fee paid. The participation fee will not be refunded if the participant notifies of their non-participation later than 01.08.2023.

– For a registrant who passes a video competition (orchestras and chamber ensembles) and is not selected: he / she will be offered to participate in an alternative orchestra or workshop, but if he / she refuses to participate in the Festival due to non-qualification, 80% of the fee will be refunded.

– For a registrant who passes the video competition (orchestras and chamber ensembles) positively and then withdraws from participation: the participation fee will not be refunded.

  1. KrattFestival OÜ is the chief processor of personal data.

Withdrawal from the contract

(instructions as of 28.02.2021)

  1. Definitions
    1.1. The Entrepreneur is KrattFestival OÜ (registry code 14732764). Contact information: P. Süda 3a-6, 10118 Tallinn; info@krattfestival.ee.

1.2. A Consumer is a natural person who uses the services of the Entrepreneur, registers themselves or registers another person at a Festival organized by the Entrepreneur or otherwise purchases goods from the Entrepreneur outside their economic or professional activities.

1.3. A distance contract is a contract between the Entrepreneur and the Consumer, which is concluded in the Entrepreneur’s online environment and the Entrepreneur and the Consumer are not in the same place at the same time and the expressions of intent of the parties to conclude the contract, including the Consumer’s statement of intent to enter into contractual obligations, shall be communicated exclusively by means of distance communication.

  1. Right of withdrawal
    2.1. The Consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract concluded by means of distance communication (hereinafter the Contract) within 14 days without giving a reason. The day of concluding the Agreement is the Consumer’s registration or registration of another person at the Festival via the Entrepreneur’s website www.krattfestival.ee (not the company’s confirmation of the success of such registration), or the day of handing over the thing or service to the Consumer.

2.2. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, the Consumer must notify the Entrepreneur of their decision to withdraw from the Agreement by means of an unambiguous written application, which must be submitted to the Entrepreneur by post or e-mail digitally signed.

2.3. In order to comply with the term for exercising the right of withdrawal, it is sufficient if the Consumer sends a notice on the exercise of the right of withdrawal to the Entrepreneur before the expiry of the withdrawal period.

  1. Lack of right of withdrawal
    3.1. According to the law, the Consumer does not have the right to withdraw, among other things, if they have already started using the Service for the purchase of which they have entered into the Agreement, e.g., participates in the Festival.
  2. Consequences of withdrawal
    4.1. Upon withdrawal from the Agreement by the Consumer within the 14-day term, the Company shall return to the Consumer 100% and upon later withdrawal (provided that it takes place until 31.07.2022 inclusive) 80% of the fee paid on the basis of the Agreement. In the case of a withdrawal application submitted as of 01.08.2022, the Fee paid based on the Agreement will not be refunded. If the Consumer does not qualify to participate in the work of the orchestra of his / her choice, he / she will be offered to participate in an alternative orchestra or workshop, but if he / she refuses to participate in the Festival due to non-qualification, 80% of the fee will be refunded.

4.2. The fee shall be refunded immediately, but not later than 14 days after the day when the Entrepreneur becomes aware of the Consumer’s decision to withdraw from the Agreement. The Entrepreneur shall make these refunds using the same payment method as the Consumer used to make the payment unless the Consumer has agreed to use a different payment method. There is no service charge or other cost for the Consumer to return such a payment.

Privacy Policy

Data controller: The controller of the personal data specified in the privacy notice is KrattFestival OÜ (hereinafter Kratt) (registry code 14732764, address P. Süda 3a-6, 10118 Tallinn, Republic of Estonia)

The principles of personal data processing are as follows:

  • the principles of legality, fairness and transparency – the processing is lawful, fair and transparent to the data subject;
  • purpose limitation principle – personal data must be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a way incompatible with those purposes;
  • the principle of collecting as little data as possible – personal data are relevant, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purpose for which they are processed;
  • Principle of accuracy – personal data are accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date and that all reasonable steps are taken to ensure that personal data which are inaccurate in relation to the purpose of the processing are erased or rectified without delay;
  • Retention limitation principle – personal data are stored in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purpose for which the personal data are processed;
  • Principle of reliability and confidentiality – personal data are processed in a way that ensures appropriate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage, using appropriate technical or organizational measures.

Collection and use of personal data.

Personal data is data collected through payments, registration, submission of festival participant data, application for participation and data provided during participation in the festival. The processing of personal data takes place in order to perform and ensure the performance of the contract and on the basis of consent. The collection of personal data can take place in the following ways:

  • When making a payment, registering, applying, and participating in the festival, and storing personal contact information. The required personal information may include name, e-mail address, date of birth, personal identification number, and a picture of the participant in photographs and video recordings.
  • Personal data may also include the name, e-mail address and telephone number of third parties (participant’s parent, participant’s teacher). We will assume that the transfer of such personal data is strictly in the interest of the participant and with the consent of the third party concerned (the participant’s parent or the participant’s teacher).

The purposes of the processing of personal data are:

  • With the help of the collected personal data, we can inform about Kratt news, offers, events.
  • With the help of the collected personal data, we can manage and enable payments.
  • Photos and videos may be uploaded to Kratt’s website, youtube.com and other websites and used in advertisements, funding campaigns and public channels for future festivals.
  • The personal data collected will allow us to process statistics related to the history of the festival and to conduct satisfaction surveys.

Protection of personal data

Kratt takes all precautions (including administrative, technical, and physical measures) to protect the customer’s personal data. Only authorized persons have access to modify and process the data. KrattFestival OÜ is the controller of personal data.


All personal data of the customer that has become known will be treated as confidential information.

Third parties and processors

Kratt may, to the extent strictly necessary, transfer personal data to third parties and authorized processors for the following purposes:

  • Website hosting service provider to improve the user experience;
  • To send newsletters related to KrattFestival;
  • Persons and institutions who need it to provide the Service selected for the Buyer / Payer (eg ticketing organizations);
  • Search for accounts related to payment management and processing.

Kratt confirms that it only transfers personal data to third parties and authorized processors who implement adequate security measures to ensure the security of personal data protection.

Retention of personal data

Kratt retains personal data in a form that allows the identification of data subjects only for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which the personal data are processed, unless otherwise required by law, which stipulates different terms of retention of personal data.

Use of cookies

The website may use cookies to make the user’s user experience on the website more convenient and use smoother. A cookie is a small text file that a browser automatically stores on a person’s device. We use cookies to collect anonymous and generalized statistics about the number of visitors to the website, information about how the website is used, to make the website even more user-friendly and better.

Privacy Policy Terms and Changes

By using our website, you have read and agreed to these terms and conditions. We reserve the right to change the general terms and conditions of the privacy policy, if necessary, by notifying all donors / users.

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy or data processing, please contact us at: info@krattfestival.ee